Frequently asked questions

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// assume player1, player2 and player3 are your Vimeo player objects let videoState = 'free'; player1.on('play', function() { if (videoState === 'free') { videoState = 'busy'; } else { player1.pause(); } }); player1.on('ended', function() { videoState = 'free'; }); player2.on('play', function() { if (videoState === 'free') { videoState = 'busy'; } else { player2.pause(); } }); player2.on('ended', function() { videoState = 'free'; }); player3.on('play', function() { if (videoState === 'free') { videoState = 'busy'; } else { player3.pause(); } }); player3.on('ended', function() { videoState = 'free'; });